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Measure O Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is Measure O?

Measure O is a critical step towards ensuring Healdsburg remains a vibrant, inclusive community. Our town is facing significant challenges when it comes to housing, particularly for those who are essential to our daily lives—like firefighters, teachers, and healthcare workers. Healdsburg needs more affordable housing options for working families, younger generations, and seniors who wish to stay in the community. After extensive public engagement and thorough analysis, the City Council has placed Measure O on the November 5th ballot to address these needs.

By voting Yes on Measure O, you’ll be supporting a plan to allow more multi-family housing in specific areas of Healdsburg, particularly along Healdsburg Avenue, around the historic rail depot, and in the South Entry Area. These areas represent less than 15% of the city and are ideally located near jobs and transit, making them perfect for middle-class and workforce housing. The rest of Healdsburg—85%—will remain under the existing Growth Management Ordinance (GMO) rules, meaning there will be no impact on current residential neighborhoods.

How Will Measure O make housing more affordable?

Healdsburg needs a diverse range of housing to support individuals at all income levels and life stages. Currently, other than income-restricted state-subsidized development, the Growth Management Ordinance doesn't differentiate between multi-family and single-family homes, which has led to a lack of options for working families. By voting Yes on Measure O, you’ll help balance the housing market by encouraging multi-family units, which are essential for making Healdsburg more affordable and inclusive.

What is the Growth Management Ordinance (GMO)?

The Growth Management Ordinance, or GMO, is a policy originally passed by Healdsburg voters 24 years ago to limit housing development. While it has been updated over time, these changes have not been enough to meet Healdsburg’s growing housing challenges. Measure O proposes a necessary adjustment to the GMO to allow for the creation of more affordable housing options for local families and workers.

How was the community involved in creating Measure O?

The City of Healdsburg engaged residents through surveys, meetings, and workshops to gather input and ensure that Measure O reflects the community's needs and desires. The process was thorough and inclusive, culminating in a proposal that has widespread support.

Will Measure O lead to uncontrolled development?

No. Measure O does not open the door to uncontrolled development. The City’s zoning code, which limits the number of units per acre and building heights, will still govern any new development. Larger projects will also undergo a Design Review process with public input to ensure they align with Healdsburg’s character and community goals.

What is multi-family housing?

Multi-family housing includes properties with more than one unit, such as duplexes, townhomes, condos, and apartment buildings. These types of housing are key to providing affordable options for local families and workers.

Will Measure O lead to more traffic, congestion, or parking problems?

No. By placing new housing along the Healdsburg Avenue corridor, Measure O ensures that future residents will have access to various transportation options, including public transit, biking, and walking. This strategic placement also aligns with where most jobs are located, reducing the likelihood of increased traffic or parking issues. Communities that focus on transit-oriented development generally experience less congestion and better overall traffic flow.

Will my neighborhood be affected?

No. Measure O focuses on encouraging multi-family housing in commercial areas along the Healdsburg Avenue corridor, the area around the historic rail depot, and the South Entry Area. These areas make up less than 15% of the city, so existing residential neighborhoods will not be impacted. The goal is to provide more housing where it’s most needed without disrupting established communities.

Is Downtown Healdsburg included?

No, the downtown core, including the area around the plaza, is excluded from Measure O. The high land costs downtown aren't suitable for workforce housing, so the current growth limits will remain in place there.

Does Measure O change zoning rules or what kind of development can occur?

No, Measure O does not change any zoning regulations, such as the number of units allowed per acre or maximum building heights. For larger projects, a robust public planning process will still be required, ensuring that community input remains a key part of development decisions.

Can Healdsburg support more housing with its current water supply?

Yes, Healdsburg has sufficient water resources to support the types of housing Measure O would allow. Multi-family housing is more water-efficient than single-family homes with lawns. The City is also investing in projects like the recycled water pipeline, which will conserve enough water to support approximately 800 new multi-family units annually.

Will new multi-family housing change Healdsburg’s character?

No. Any new multi-family housing will adhere to the Citywide Design Guidelines, ensuring that it fits with Healdsburg’s existing community character and design traditions. Measure O aims to enhance our community without altering its unique charm.

Who decides the fate of Measure O?

The decision is in the hands of Healdsburg voters on November 5th. A Yes vote on Measure O is a vote for a more affordable, equitable, and vibrant community. Be sure to register to vote and make your voice heard.

Yes On O - Yes For Housing 2024
FPPC I.D. #1472097
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