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About Measure O

Measure O makes small but meaningful changes to Healdburg’s housing policies - protecting what we love about our community while making housing more affordable, equitable, and sustainable. By prioritizing residential development over luxury hotels, the measure will provide diverse housing options for local families and essential workers, enhancing Healdsburg's community vitality and environmental sustainability.

More Housing for Teachers, Firefighters, Public Safety Officers and Healthcare Workers

Healdsburg’s current growth policies have not kept pace with our housing needs, particularly for Healdsburg’s working class families. Many middle-income families and essential workers, such as teachers, public safety officers and healthcare workers cannot afford to live in the community they serve. This measure will create more affordable housing options, ensuring that those who work here can also afford to live here.

More Homes - Fewer Hotels

In recent years, we've seen a boom in high-end hotel construction. These are, in part due to restrictive housing policies. This measure will shift our collective focus from building luxury hotels to developing homes for local families and workers. It's time we prioritize housing that supports our community's long-term needs over transient tourist accommodations. Measure O can flip the script on new projects, requiring housing as the primary component.

A More Walkable Healdsburg

By keeping affordable homes out of Healdsburg, the current policy has inadvertently encouraged urban sprawl. By exempting specific areas along Healdsburg Avenue, we can concentrate development where it makes sense, creating a more walkable, vibrant community. 

Equity and Community Diversity

Housing costs have skyrocketed, making Healdsburg increasingly exclusive. This measure will help build a more equitable and diverse community by providing housing options for all income levels. We want Healdsburg to be a place where local families, seniors, and essential workers can thrive.


Yes On O - Yes For Housing 2024
FPPC I.D. #1472097
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